Saturday, April 21, 2012


The industrial revolution was a period in which fundamental changes occurred in agriculture, textile, metal manufacture, transportation , economic policies and the social structure in Europe, especially in Britain, because they had liberalism: a belief in liberal ideas and principles, especially in political and social matters. The industrial revolution had got two stages: the first industrial revolution (1780-1870) and the second industrial revolution.
The first industrial revolution (1780-1870) happened in Britain, and before the ideas of liberalism to expand around Europe. The main changes that occurred were:
1. - The invention of the machines to do the work of hands tools.
2. - The use of steam, and later of other kinds of power, instead of human force.
3. - The adoption of the factory system.
The main source of this period was mining coal, this mining were employed in various locales throughout England. All coal mining had one trait in common; the movement of coal was accomplished solely by muscle power animal, man, woman and child, the latter being the most desirable for their size. The process of removing the coal was obviously as slow as it was dirty.
In this period, factories appeared which results are the modification of the organizational work (division of labour), increased production and lower price of the products. There were most changes in the agriculture and textile. These changes were:
Agriculture occupied a prominent position in the English way of life of this period. Not only was its importance rooted in the subsistence of the population, but agriculture was an indispensable source of raw materials for the textile industry. Wool and cotton production for the manufacture of cloth increased in each successive year.
Prior to 1780 the manufacture of textiles occurred in the homes, by people who gave part of their time to it. In the case of woollen cloth, the wool had to be sorted, cleaned and dyed; many of these stages of production were performed by woman and children. The raw materials were obtained from foreign sources, such as, China, the West Indies, North American and Africa.
These inventions that were perfected and employed led to tremendous change in the world of work. Gone were the days of the Domestic System, yielding to the new Factory System.
The most important invention was the steam engine. During the first industrial revolution another change happened, the transportation revolution.
Britain, France, Belgium and territories of Germany participated in this stage.
The second Industrial Revolution started in 1890 and finished in 1914. It was a phase of the larger Industrial Revolution corresponding to the latter half of the 19th century until the 1st World War.
It is considered to have begun with Bessemer steel and culminated in mass production and the production line. During this period changes occurred in metal manufacture, electricity, chemicals, steel industry and textile production continue.
The Bessemer process was the first inexpensive industrial process for the mass-production of steel. It was invented by Sir Henry Bessemer. 
The chemical industry was born and grows to include the exploitation of fossil fuels. The twentieth century saw the growth of the automotive. The revolution created the electrical industry too, and brings electrical devices and telephones into the home.
In this revolution participated United States (U.S.), Japan, Germany, Britain and France, the strongest Europe powers. 

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